Being an African American, full-figured, with natural-kinky hair, remarried, sometimes crazy dog lady, photographer doesn’t sound very awesome. I have always been a bit of an over sharer and I did feel like the things I listed would hinder me in my wedding photography business, I was even told by someone that it would, but I just kept right on being myself. I stopped looking at the “competition” as my competition and more as my “inspiration” my “motivation.” You see friend, this is why I tell you, you don’t have to let social media kill your spirit, but rather know that this is not a race but more of a marathon. You have to run your race or you will never cross that finish line. If your work doesn’t line up with where you would like to be, then keep chipping away. Don’t let the perfectionist facade fool you; there are cracks in every foundation, but is the house still standing? That is what really matters. Your kids are not perfect, but they are your babies, and you are their mama, their dada and your the one who watches them sleep. Social media was really created as a way to connect, but we have turned it into a way to compete, and I encourage you to return to the roots of what social media was for, connection! I can tell you from personal experience, I sleep a lot better at night when I spent my day connecting and engaging vs. lurking and comparing!