January 6, 2017
I have always loved educating whoever was willing to listen. No seriously did you know I used to do hair tutorials?! And a side funny note, I have been considering doing makeup tutorials for the more seasoned woman, LOL…I know right. Whether it be my son and husband, who let’s be honest, my hubby is mainly schooling me, to my natural hair routine, to my photography, educating is in my DNA. I love to see others succeed at their goals even at times needing to put pencil to paper for my own business. I have all these ideas I’ve wanted to share with clients, brides, and other business and wedding professionals as well as have a fun collaborative environment to share and learn from one another, but I have kind of been on the fence about it.
In 2016 I saw a huge growth in my business, my confidence, and my education so I decided to make 2017 a year of more workshops, more partnerships, more education, and more collaboration. I am excited to announce a fun and collaborative way to educate through Facebook live. I have decided to share and educate through #makingwavesmondays which is one of the hashtags us Rising Tidders use when we are making things happen on a Monday to jump start our week. I want to make waves every Monday with new and fresh content, and at times even some guest speakers as we discuss new topics around anything and everything pertaining to photography. Tune in THIS coming Monday at 8pm on my business page at Ty Pentecost Photography to learn what this is all about, and how it can benefit you! I am so excited to kick this off, and my hopes are that you will send me TONS of questions that you want to learn about…I may not be a guru at every single questions, but anyone who knows me know’s I am a researcher and what I don’t know we will learn together!! Let’s do this!!