September 18, 2015
I follow a LOT of photographers on social media. A LOT, and every single one of them brings a different style and flavor that I love and enjoy. Initially I would see a style and I would immediately want that style, that look, that, just that!! It has taken me a year to find my own “flavor”, but now I have moved on to this new trend of husband and wife photography teams. I know it’s literally not new people. but it is new to me, as I am new to the photography world. I am seeing these husband and wife teams in their perfectly organized offices, side-by-side matching Mac’s, and I started to once again fantasize about Craig and I jett-setting all over the world. One week we would be in Europe, and the following week in Jamaica. I had it all planned, I would teach him everything I learned and he would be my second shooter.
Oh and Todd would be my assistant and when he got older he would second shoot, and Charlotte and Samson would stay in doggie motels with the most lavish of amenities. The more blogs I read the more I had myself convinced, we could totally make this work! We would be closer together, more time as a family, and don’t forget that perfectly painted and decorated house! I started dropping little hints and planting seeds with Craig about learning his way around the camera. He would give me a funny little smile as he went back to correcting papers or checking Sportscenter, and Todd, while he has come out with me on a few shoots, let there be animals, or a teenage girl, and he would go from professional second shooter to pre-teen in the blink of an eye.
So where as I never say never, I will say this, a husband and wife shooter team is not in the near future for the Pentecost, and is not authentic to my household. We have two psycho doggies that run the house, my son is more interested in making tackles then creating bokah; I don’t have the perfectly decorated office, I don’t even edit pictures at my desk, but rather in my bed, in my PJ’s watching Lifetime Network. What draws my family together is our love for Christ, family movie night, and a whole lot of sports. What is even more authentic is the love and support I get from my husband Craig. Everything I have wanted to buy for my business he has supported, initially when I was scared to shoot alone, he came and hung at my shoots, every time I am in my PJ’s editing he makes sure I have had dinner and clean clothes. He is my laundry man, my cook, my house keeper, grocery shopper, and most of all my covering. Oh and did I mention my counselor when I broke down and cried myself into a coma.
So as I love seeing a husband and wife shooting team, I love the fact that I have a husband that is there for me and supports me, and in the end always reminds me of who we are and keeps me grounded.